Low Tox Makeup at Target

I spent hours on the Target website finding makeup products that are actually toxin free. I quickly learned that the “clean” label at Target is not a reliable source.

This is an ingredient label for a product that has the clean label at Target…

Lets break down a few of the toxins on this ingredient list:

Talc - Can be contaminated with asbestiform fibers. Asbestiform fibers are known carcinogens and studies have linked them to mesothelioma. source

Methylparaben & Propylparaben - Immune and skin toxin. They mimic estrogen and disrupt the endocrine system and parabens are toxic to the developmental and reproductive systems, interfere with gene expression and are associated with cancer. source

This ingredient not only has 3 of the top toxins I would advise to always avoid BUT it also has the “clean” label from Target. HOW and WHY is this allowed?!

Unfortunately, we cannot always trust the “clean” label at many stores. That’s why I looked through every makeup product and have posted them here.

Other toxins I found in the Target makeup products:

Phenoxyethanol, PEG’s, Disodium EDTA, Lake Dyes, Parfum/Fragrance



Well People Lip Nurture Hydrating Balm - Clear (only the clear color is approved by me, the rest contain LAKE dyes)

Pacifica Lavender Moon Lip Mask - I have this and love it!

But why no blush options?! Every single blush (even in the “clean” section) contained Lake dyes. Lake Dyes are derived from coal tar/petroleum and can contain heavy metals that are linked with cancer.

My favorite blush is from Han Cosmetics, it is fruit pigemented and the fomular is perfect! I will link it HERE.

There ya have it! I hope this is helpful and gives you a better idea of what to look for when you’re shopping at Target!

I have a free list of Ingredients to Avoid, it makes shopping and reading ingredient labels easy! Tap to download.

Feel free to email me here with any questions/comments you may have!

xoxo, Karly Alane

I do earn a small commission on the links within this blog. 

Low Tox Skincare at Target


Low Tox Curly Hair Products